Sunday, 24 March 2013

Boys and Girls

Gender. Something that all of us are part of.

I hope.

On the serious side, today i will talk about feminism. So what is the difference between a male and a female? Apart from the obvious. Why in so many societies men are seen as higher than females? There are so many countries in the world that are patriarchal, but there are matriarchal societies in this world.

Let me throw a classical debate topic here in Singapore: This house believes that women should serve National Service. Will you serve NS here in Singapore if you were a girl?

Gender is defined by society. In my previous post i mentioned that gender is a social construct. Don't we decide what are signs of masculinity? Lets say we have a doll. Dress it with short hair, "manly clothes" and add a floating cap on him one will say he is a dude. Dress it with long, flowing hair in a skirt and it becomes a girl.

I want to discuss the idea of American femininity vs the idea of french femininity.

American femininity is the idea is the idea that- Anything a man do, i, as a woman can do. Sometimes better. Why must men always be treated differently? I should be able to do what men can.

French feminist believes that OK, when men can do it better, let them do it. Let us as the women do what we are good at, but reward and accept us for the way we are. Because of the simple fact that men and women are engineered differently.

So what do you think? What do you believe in? Leave your comments below.

Signing off,
Just another gender.

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