Monday, 29 April 2013

Arms trade

Exams are approaching . Everybody is so called "mugging" or "tanking". I, am blogging.

This post will be more on a global issue at large. Hope its a good read. Ill write more on such if i get a good response.

So, I was on this site yesterday -

An interesting article from that page- "The arms trade is big business." And after watching ironman for the third time, the message of the movie became clear as crystal.

They say that the want world peace. They say the want to stop war around the world. Then why are they still manufacturing and creating these weapons of mass destructions, and worse still of all selling it off to other countries who may/may not misuse the power. There is a doubt with what is going to happen in the near future.

Arms are fueling poverty and suffering, and is also out of control
" The  lack of arms controls allows some to profit from the misery of others.
  • While international attention is focused on the need to control weapons of mass destruction, the trade in conventional weapons continues to operate in a legal and moral vacuum.
  • More and more countries are starting to produce small arms, many with little ability or will to regulate their use.
  • Permanent UN Security Council members—the USA, UK, France, Russia, and China—dominate the world trade in arms.
  • Most national arms controls are riddled with loopholes or barely enforced.
  • Key weaknesses are lax controls on the brokering, licensed production, and 'end use' of arms.
  • Arms get into the wrong hands through weak controls on firearm ownership, weapons management, and misuse by authorised users of weapons.
— The Arms Bazaar, Shattered Lives, Chapter 4, p. 54, Control Arms Campaign, October 2003

"Heavy militarization of a region increases the risk of oppression on local people. Consequently reactions and uprisings from those oppressed may also be violent. The Middle East is a current example, while Latin America is an example from previous decades, where in both cases, democracies or popular regimes have (or had) been overthrown with foreign assistance, and replaced with corrupt dictators or monarchs. Oppression (often violent) and authoritarianism rule has resulted. Sometimes this also itself results in terrorist reactions that lash out at other innocent people."

So should the trade of arms be stopped in order to prevent what is an inevitable war. Not in this decade, maybe. But surely. We all know the reciprocals of arms trade. But should it continue? Leave your comments below!

Signing off,
Just another Singaporean

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